Hello, world! Here’s SoFonda Tees!

SoFonda Tees: Love BoldlyWelcome, welcome, welcome to the online saga of the SoFonda Affair. We’re so glad you joined us here!

SoFonda Tees! is the apparel and accessories shop that offers visual cheer bits, available in forms to decorate you and your surroundings, and be really artfully useful. SoFonda showcases the twisted humor and funny pictures of Grey Forge LeFey, and the dynamic colorful designs of Khrysso Heart LeFey, collectively the Artists LeFey!

Our goal is to lighten and brighten your space with fun and flair. We are always researching to find quality materials to bring you great products, and we strive to keep our prices competitive. Our original designs are exclusively SoFonda’s! We’re also happy to partner with wonderful friends and organizations that are working to bring the world healing, safety, and peace, so please give them support and share their message.

Thank you for joining us. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter so we can dish up special offers and happy deals, but we never serve spam. Shout it with us now: “SoFonda!”

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