Happy Pride month! Hope you get your shirt in time!

We are so happy to be working on becoming THE provider for the official shirts for the not-for-profit organization, Free Mom Hugs. The growth of the movement is phenomenal, and I say there is no power like the love of a Mama Bear who has had enough, to change the world for LGBTQ+ people everywhere. As someone who belongs to that community, every order for a shirt that is going to be worn to a Pride Parade or other event by a Mom, Dad, Aunt, Nana, or Friend is a joy to me.

I’ve always believed volunteers can’t be thanked enough, and that’s why we make a basic white or grey Free Mom Hugs shirt available nearly at cost, to show our appreciation to all of you. Free Mom Hugs shirts are also a fundraiser for the organization, so we have a variety of colors and styles, with new products coming too. The majority of revenue after costs for each of those purchases goes directly to Free Mom Hugs, and I’m happy to say, you all love the colored shirts!

My somber note here: it’s been a mad flurry to fill orders for the Free Mom Huggers who are going to be hugging at events across the country during this June month of Pride. Some of those orders are asking for miracles and it truly makes me sad that we’re not going to make their deadlines. But as a wise woman reminded me today: “A lack of planning on your part doesn’t constitute an emergency on mine.” As much as I’d like to fill an order and ship it cross country in 3 days, I can’t. Even though Wonder Woman and I have never been seen in the same room together. So we do ask for understanding and we’ll make it happen whenever we possibly can.

In the meantime, Khrysso and I were organizers for a Free Mom Hugs group here in the Mojave Desert in Southern California. It was just a weekend of love, and our huggers were spreading it everywhere. We’re so grateful for the time they gave, to the organizers, and to all straight folks with their families who helped celebrate our diverse pride. It was wonderful!


Happy Pride, everyone! Love you Free Mom Huggers!


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