To you: the Moms, the Dads, the Huggers.

Free Mom Hugs, Inc. has decided to take all their merchandising in house moving forward into 2020, so SoFonda Tees has been benched now, but it has been our honor to provide the shirts you wore this year on their behalf, and because we owners of SoFonda Tees are gay men, on our behalf. We’ve met and chatted with so many wonderful new friends, such lovely moms, we felt loved by every one of you. You can’t imagine how it feels as adults who grew up being told we were aberrations, sinful, going to hell, to have kind people shout out on our Facebook page, “We love you guys!” Your efforts make it a much easier transition to wholeness for every younger person out there. As long as there are bigots preaching hate, you are needed to cast a net of love.

It has been such a privilege and joy to be a part of the Free Mom Hugs movement in 2019. What a year! We thank every one of you who supported and participated in the effort to embrace the LGBTQ+ community at festivals and events. We thank every one of you who bought a shirt and made a contribution to Free Mom Hugs, Inc, and wore it in pride and advocacy, and loved the stuffing out of the rainbow children who need someone to affirm that they are just as they should be. You all do great work! And you are all, in some estimations, part of the most important movement to affect attitudes toward the LGBTQ+ community in the last 30 years.

If you were able to take advantage of our low cost Essentials shirts, if you loved our quality, if we did a good job with customer service, PLEASE take a moment to show us love on our Facebook page reviews or post us a testimonial to let others know we’re good guys to do business with. With Free Mom Hugs shirts in other hands now, we’ll be ramping up our custom designs, so keep an eye on us! And let your kids and friends know SoFonda Tees is a happening shop for LGBTQ+ and ally shirts and accessories. Whole new store design coming soon!

If you’re in Southern California, join us in the local Free Mom Hugs group in the Morongo Basin high desert.  We love you!

Grey and Khrysso


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